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Text File | 1997-08-17 | 41.0 KB | 1,051 lines |
- Linux Benchmarking HOWTO
- by AndrΘ D. Balsa, andrewbalsa@usa.net <mailto:andrewbalsa@usa.net>
- v0.12, 15 August 1997
- The Linux Benchmarking HOWTO discusses some issues associated with the
- benchmarking of Linux systems and presents a basic benchmarking
- toolkit, as well as an associated form, which enable one to produce
- significant benchmarking information in a couple of hours. Perhaps it
- will also help diminish the amount of useless articles in
- comp.os.linux.hardware...
- 1. Introduction
- "What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence."
- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), Austrian philosopher
- Benchmarking means measuring the speed with which a computer system
- will execute a computing task, in a way that will allow comparison
- between different hard/software combinations. It does not involve
- user-friendliness, aesthetic or ergonomic considerations or any other
- subjective judgment.
- Benchmarking is a tedious, repetitive task, and takes attention to
- details. Very often the results are not what one would expect, and
- subject to interpretation (which actually may be the most important
- part of a benchmarking procedure).
- Finally, benchmarking deals with facts and figures, not opinion or
- approximation.
- 1.1. Why is benchmarking so important ?
- Apart from the reasons pointed out in the BogoMips Mini-HOWTO (section
- 7, paragraph 2), one occasionally is confronted with a limited budget
- and/or minimum performance requirements while putting together a Linux
- box. In other words, when confronted with the following questions:
- ╖ How do I maximize performance within a given budget ?
- ╖ How do I minimize costs for a required minimum performance level ?
- ╖ How do I obtain the best performance/cost ratio (within a given
- budget or given performance requirements)?
- one will have to examine, compare and/or produce benchmarks.
- Minimizing costs with no performance requirements usually involves
- putting together a machine with leftover parts (that old 386SX-16 box
- lying around in the garage will do fine) and does not require
- benchmarks, and maximizing performance with no cost ceiling is not a
- realistic situation (unless one is willing to put a Cray box in
- his/her living room - the leather-covered power supplies around it
- look nice, don't they ?).
- Benchmarking per se is senseless, a waste of time and money; it is
- only meaningful as part of a decision process, i.e. if one has to make
- a choice between two or more alternatives.
- Usually another parameter in the decision process is cost, but it
- could be availability, service, reliability, strategic considerations
- or any other rational, measurable characteristic of a computer system.
- When comparing the performance of different Linux kernel versions, for
- example, stability is almost always more important than speed.
- 1.2. Invalid benchmarking considerations
- Very often read in newsgroups and mailing lists, unfortunately:
- 1. Reputation of manufacturer (unmeasurable and meaningless).
- 2. Market share of manufacturer (meaningless and irrelevant).
- 3. Irrational parameters (for example, superstition or prejudice:
- would you buy a processor labeled 131313ZAP and painted pink ?)
- 4. Perceived value (meaningless, unmeasurable and irrational).
- 5. Amount of marketing hype: this one is the worst, I guess. I
- personally am fed up with the "XXX inside" or "kkkkkws compatible"
- logos (now the "aaaaaPowered" has joined the band - what next ?).
- IMHO, the billions of dollars spent on such campaigns would be
- better used by research teams on the design of new, faster,
- (cheaper :-) bug-free processors. No amount of marketing hype will
- remove a floating-point bug in the FPU of the brand-new processor
- you just plugged in your motherboard, but an exchange against a
- redesigned processor will.
- 6. "You get what you pay for" opinions are just that: opinions. Give
- me the facts, please.
- 2. Benchmarking procedures and interpretation of results
- A few semi-obvious recommendations:
- 1. First and foremost, identify your benchmarking goals. What is it
- you are exactly trying to benchmark ? In what way will the
- benchmarking process help later in your decision making ? How much
- time and resources are you willing to put into your benchmarking
- effort ?
- 2. Use standard tools. Use a current, stable kernel version, standard,
- current gcc and libc and a standard benchmark. In short, use the
- LBT (see below).
- 3. Give a complete description of your setup (see the LBT report form
- below).
- 4. Try to isolate a single variable. Comparative benchmarking is more
- informative than "absolute" benchmarking. I cannot stress this
- enough.
- 5. Verify your results. Run your benchmarks a few times and verify the
- variations in your results, if any. Unexplained variations will
- invalidate your results.
- 6. If you think your benchmarking effort produced meaningful
- information, share it with the Linux community in a precise and
- concise way.
- 7. Please forget about BogoMips. I promise myself I shall someday
- implement a very fast ASIC with the BogoMips loop wired in. Then we
- shall see what we shall see !
- 2.1. Understanding benchmarking choices
- 2.1.1. Synthetic vs. applications benchmarks
- Before spending any amount of time on benchmarking chores, a basic
- choice must be made between "synthetic" benchmarks and "applications"
- benchmarks.
- Synthetic benchmarks are specifically designed to measure the
- performance of individual components of a computer system, usually by
- exercising the chosen component to its maximum capacity. An example of
- a well-known synthetic benchmark is the Whetstone suite, originally
- programmed in 1972 by Harold Curnow in FORTRAN (or was that ALGOL ?)
- and still in widespread use nowadays. The Whestone suite will measure
- the floating-point performance of a CPU.
- The main critic that can be made to synthetic benchmarks is that they
- do not represent a computer system's performance in real-life
- situations. Take for example the Whetstone suite: the main loop is
- very short and will easily fit in the primary cache of a CPU, keeping
- the FPU pipeline constantly filled and so exercising the FPU to its
- maximum speed. We cannot really criticize the Whetstone suite if we
- remember it was programmed 25 years ago (its design dates even earlier
- than that !), but we must make sure we interpret its results with
- care, when it comes to benchmarking modern microprocessors.
- Another very important point to note about synthetic benchmarks is
- that, ideally, they should tell us something about a specific aspect
- of the system being tested, independently of all other aspects: a
- synthetic benchmark for Ethernet card I/O throughput should result in
- the same or similar figures whether it is run on a 386SX-16 with 4
- MBytes of RAM or a Pentium 200 MMX with 64 MBytes of RAM. Otherwise,
- the test will be measuring the overall performance of the
- CPU/Motherboard/Bus/Ethernet card/Memory subsystem/DMA combination:
- not very useful since the variation in CPU will cause a greater impact
- than the change in Ethernet network card (this of course assumes we
- are using the same kernel/driver combination, which could cause an
- even greater variation)!
- Finally, a very common mistake is to average various synthetic
- benchmarks and claim that such an average is a good representation of
- real-life performance for any given system.
- Here is a comment on FPU benchmarks quoted with permission from the
- Cyrix Corp. Web site:
- "A Floating Point Unit (FPU) accelerates software designed
- to use floating point mathematics : typically CAD programs,
- spreadsheets, 3D games and design applications. However,
- today's most popular PC applications make use of both float¡
- ing point and integer instructions. As a result, Cyrix chose
- to emphasize "parallelism" in the design of the 6x86 proces¡
- sor to speed up software that intermixes these two instruc¡
- tion types.
- The x86 floating point exception model allows integer
- instructions to issue and complete while a floating point
- instruction is executing. In contrast, a second floating
- point instruction cannot begin execution while a previous
- floating point instruction is executing. To remove the per¡
- formance limitation created by the floating point exception
- model, the 6x86 can speculatively issue up to four floating
- point instructions to the on-chip FPU while continuing to
- issue and execute integer instructions. As an example, in a
- code sequence of two floating point instructions (FLTs)
- followed by six integer instructions (INTs) followed by two
- FLTs, the 6x86 processor can issue all ten instructions to
- the appropriate execution units prior to completion of the
- first FLT. If none of the instructions fault (the typical
- case), execution continues with both the integer and float¡
- ing point units completing instructions in parallel. If one
- of the FLTs faults (the atypical case), the speculative exe¡
- cution capability of the 6x86 allows the processor state to
- be restored in such a way that it is compatible with the x86
- floating point exception model.
- Examination of benchmark tests reveals that synthetic float¡
- ing point benchmarks use a pure floating point-only code
- stream not found in real-world applications. This type of
- benchmark does not take advantage of the speculative execu¡
- tion capability of the 6x86 processor. Cyrix believes that
- non-synthetic benchmarks based on real-world applications
- better reflect the actual performance users will achieve.
- Real-world applications contain intermixed integer and
- floating point instructions and therefore benefit from the
- 6x86 speculative execution capability."
- So, the recent trend in benchmarking is to choose common applications
- and use them to test the performance of complete computer systems. For
- example, SPEC, the non-profit corporation that designed the well-known
- SPECINT and SPECFP synthetic benchmark suites, has launched a project
- for a new applications benchmark suite. But then again, it is very
- unlikely that such commercial benchmarks will ever include any Linux
- code.
- Summarizing, synthetic benchmarks are valid as long as you understand
- their purposes and limitations. Applications benchmarks will better
- reflect a computer system's performance, but none are available for
- Linux.
- 2.1.2. High-level vs. low-level benchmarks
- Low-level benchmarks will directly measure the performance of the
- hardware: CPU clock, DRAM and cache SRAM cycle times, hard disk
- average access time, latency, track-to-track stepping time, etc...
- This can be useful in case you bought a system and are wondering what
- components it was built with, but a better way to check these figures
- would be to open the case, list whatever part numbers you can find and
- somehow obtain the data sheet for each part (usually on the Web).
- Another use for low-level benchmarks is to check that a kernel driver
- was correctly configured for a specific piece of hardware: if you have
- the data sheet for the component, you can compare the results of the
- low-level benchmarks to the theoretical, printed specs.
- High-level benchmarks are more concerned with the performance of the
- hardware/driver/OS combination for a specific aspect of a
- microcomputer system, for example file I/O performance, or even for a
- specific hardware/driver/OS/application performance, e.g. an Apache
- benchmark on different microcomputer systems.
- Of course, all low-level benchmarks are synthetic. High-level
- benchmarks may be synthetic or applications benchmarks.
- 2.2. Standard benchmarks available for Linux
- IMHO a simple test that anyone can do while upgrading any component in
- his/her Linux box is to launch a kernel compile before and after the
- hard/software upgrade and compare compilation times. If all other
- conditions are kept equal then the test is valid as a measure of
- compilation performance and one can be confident to say that:
- "Changing A to B led to an improvement of x % in the compile
- time of the Linux kernel under such and such conditions".
- No more, no less !
- Since kernel compilation is a very usual task under Linux, and since
- it exercises most functions that get exercised by normal benchmarks
- (except floating-point performance), it constitutes a rather good
- individual test. In most cases, however, results from such a test
- cannot be reproduced by other Linux users because of variations in
- hard/software configurations and so this kind of test cannot be used
- as a "yardstick" to compare dissimilar systems (unless we all agree on
- a standard kernel to compile - see below).
- Unfortunately, there are no Linux-specific benchmarking tools, except
- perhaps the Byte Linux Benchmarks which are a slightly modified
- version of the Byte Unix Benchmarks dating back from May 1991 (Linux
- mods by Jon Tombs, original authors Ben Smith, Rick Grehan and Tom
- Yager).
- There is a central Web site for the Byte Linux Benchmarks.
- An improved, updated version of the Byte Unix Benchmarks was put
- together by David C. Niemi. It is called UnixBench 4.01 to avoid
- confusion with earlier versions. Here is what David wrote about his
- mods:
- "The original and slightly modified BYTE Unix benchmarks are
- broken in quite a number of ways which make them an unusu¡
- ally unreliable indicator of system performance. I inten¡
- tionally made my "index" values look a lot different to
- avoid confusion with the old benchmarks."
- David has setup a majordomo mailing list for discussion of
- benchmarking on Linux and competing OSs. Join with "subscribe bench"
- sent in the body of a message to majordomo@wauug.erols.com
- <mailto:majordomo@wauug.erols.com>. The Washington Area Unix User
- Group is also in the process of setting up a Web site for Linux
- benchmarks.
- Also recently, Uwe F. Mayer, mayer@math.vanderbilt.edu
- <mailto:mayer@math.vanderbilt.edu>ported the BYTE Bytemark suite to
- Linux. This is a modern suite carefully put together by Rick Grehan at
- BYTE Magazine to test the CPU, FPU and memory system performance of
- modern microcomputer systems (these are strictly processor-performance
- oriented benchmarks, no I/O or system performance is taken into
- account).
- Uwe has also put together a Web site with a database of test results
- for his version of the Linux BYTEmark benchmarks.
- While searching for synthetic benchmarks for Linux, you will notice
- that sunsite.unc.edu carries few benchmarking tools. To test the
- relative speed of X servers and graphics cards, the xbench-0.2 suite
- by Claus Gittinger is available from sunsite.unc.edu, ftp.x.org and
- other sites. Xfree86.org refuses (wisely) to carry or recommend any
- benchmarks.
- The XFree86-benchmarks Survey is a Web site with a database of x-bench
- results.
- For pure disk I/O throughput, the hdparm program (included with most
- distributions, otherwise available from sunsite.unc.edu) will measure
- transfer rates if called with the -t and -T switches.
- There are many other tools freely available on the Internet to test
- various performance aspects of your Linux box.
- 2.3. Links and references
- The comp.benchmarks.faq by Dave Sill is the standard reference for
- benchmarking. It is not Linux specific, but recommended reading for
- anybody serious about benchmarking. It is available from a number of
- FTP and web sites and lists 56 different benchmarks, with links to FTP
- or Web sites that carry them. Some of the benchmarks listed are
- commercial (SPEC for example), though.
- I will not go through each one of the benchmarks mentionned in the
- comp.benchmarks.faq, but there is at least one low-level suite which I
- would like to comment on: the lmbench suite, by Larry McVoy. Quoting
- David C. Niemi:
- "Linus and David Miller use this a lot because it does some
- useful low-level measurements and can also measure network
- throughput and latency if you have 2 boxes to test with. But
- it does not attempt to come up with anything like an overall
- "figure of merit"..."
- A rather complete FTP site for freely available benchmarks was put
- together by Alfred Aburto. The Whetstone suite used in the LBT can be
- found at this site.
- There is a multipart FAQ by Eugene Miya that gets posted regularly to
- comp.benchmarks; it is an excellent reference.
- 3. The Linux Benchmarking Toolkit (LBT)
- I will propose a basic benchmarking toolkit for Linux. This is a
- preliminary version of a comprehensive Linux Benchmarking Toolkit, to
- be expanded and improved. Take it for what it's worth, i.e. as a
- proposal. If you don't think it is a valid test suite, feel free to
- email me your critics and I will be glad to make the changes and
- improve it if I can. Before getting into an argument, however, read
- this HOWTO and the mentionned references: informed criticism is
- welcomed, empty criticism is not.
- 3.1. Rationale
- This is just common sense:
- 1. It should not take a whole day to run. When it comes to comparative
- benchmarking (various runs), nobody wants to spend days trying to
- figure out the fastest setup for a given system. Ideally, the
- entire benchmark set should take about 15 minutes to complete on an
- average machine.
- 2. All source code for the software used must be freely available on
- the Net, for obvious reasons.
- 3. Benchmarks should provide simple figures reflecting the measured
- performance.
- 4. There should be a mix of synthetic benchmarks and application
- benchmarks (with separate results, of course).
- 5. Each synthetic benchmarks should exercise a particular subsystem to
- its maximum capacity.
- 6. Results of synthetic benchmarks should not be averaged into a
- single figure of merit (that defeats the whole idea behind
- synthetic benchmarks, with considerable loss of information).
- 7. Applications benchmarks should consist of commonly executed tasks
- on Linux systems.
- 3.2. Benchmark selection
- I have selected five different benchmark suites, trying as much as
- possible to avoid overlap in the tests:
- 1. Kernel 2.0.0 (default configuration) compilation using gcc.
- 2. Whetstone version 10/03/97 (latest version by Roy Longbottom).
- 3. xbench-0.2 (with fast execution parameters).
- 4. UnixBench benchmarks version 4.01 (partial results).
- 5. BYTE Magazine's BYTEmark benchmarks beta release 2 (partial
- results).
- For tests 4 and 5, "(partial results)" means that not all results
- produced by these benchmarks are considered.
- 3.3. Test duration
- 1. Kernel 2.0.0 compilation: 5 - 30 minutes, depending on the real
- performance of your system.
- 2. Whetstone: 100 seconds.
- 3. Xbench-0.2: < 1 hour.
- 4. UnixBench benchmarks version 4.01: approx. 15 minutes.
- 5. BYTE Magazine's BYTEmark benchmarks: approx. 10 minutes.
- 3.4.1. Kernel 2.0.0 compilation:
- ╖ What: it is the only application benchmark in the LBT.
- ╖ The code is widely available (i.e. I finally found some use for my
- old Linux CD-ROMs).
- ╖ Most linuxers recompile the kernel quite often, so it is a
- significant measure of overall performance.
- ╖ The kernel is large and gcc uses a large chunk of memory:
- attenuates L2 cache size bias with small tests.
- ╖ It does frequent I/O to disk.
- ╖ Test procedure: get a pristine 2.0.0 source, compile with default
- options (make config, press Enter repeatedly). The reported time
- should be the time spent on compilation i.e. after you type make
- zImage, not including make dep, make clean. Note that the default
- target architecture for the kernel is the i386, so if compiled on
- another architecture, gcc too should be set to cross-compile, with
- i386 as the target architecture.
- ╖ Results: compilation time in minutes and seconds (please don't
- report fractions of seconds).
- 3.4.2. Whetstone:
- ╖ What: measures pure floating point performance with a short, tight
- loop. The source (in C) is quite readable and it is very easy to
- see which floating-point operations are involved.
- ╖ Shortest test in the LBT :-).
- ╖ It's an "Old Classic" test: comparable figures are available, its
- flaws and shortcomings are well known.
- ╖ Test procedure: the newest C source should be obtained from
- Aburto's site. Compile and run in double precision mode. Specify
- gcc and -O2 as precompiler and precompiler options, and define
- POSIX 1 to specify machine type.
- ╖ Results: a floating-point performance figure in MWIPS.
- 3.4.3. Xbench-0.2:
- ╖ What: measures X server performance.
- ╖ The xStones measure provided by xbench is a weighted average of
- several tests indexed to an old Sun station with a single-bit-depth
- display. Hmmm... it is questionable as a test of modern X servers,
- but it's still the best tool I have found.
- ╖ Test procedure: compile with -O2. We specify a few options for a
- shorter run: ./xbench -timegoal 3 >
- results/name_of_your_linux_box.out. To get the xStones rating, we
- must run an awk script; the simplest way is to type make
- summary.ms. Check the summary.ms file: the xStone rating for your
- system is in the last column of the line with your machine name
- specified during the test.
- ╖ Results: an X performance figure in xStones.
- ╖ Note: this test, as it stands, is outdated. It should be re-coded.
- 3.4.4. UnixBench version 4.01:
- ╖ What: measures overall Unix performance. This test will exercice
- the file I/O and kernel multitasking performance.
- ╖ I have discarded all arithmetic test results, keeping only the
- system-related test results.
- ╖ Test procedure: make with -O2. Execute with ./Run -1 (run each test
- once). You will find the results in the ./results/report file.
- Calculate the geometric mean of the EXECL THROUGHPUT, FILECOPY 1,
- ╖ Results: a system index.
- 3.4.5. BYTE Magazine's BYTEmark benchmarks:
- ╖ What: provides a good measure of CPU performance. Here is an
- excerpt from the documentation: "These benchmarks are meant to
- expose the theoretical upper limit of the CPU, FPU, and memory
- architecture of a system. They cannot measure video, disk, or
- network throughput (those are the domains of a different set of
- benchmarks). You should, therefore, use the results of these tests
- as part, not all, of any evaluation of a system."
- ╖ I have discarded the FPU test results since the Whetstone test is
- just as representative of FPU performance.
- ╖ I have split the integer tests in two groups: those more
- representative of memory-cache-CPU performance and the CPU integer
- tests.
- ╖ Test procedure: make with -O2. Run the test with ./nbench >
- myresults.dat or similar. Then, from myresults.dat, calculate
- geometric mean of STRING SORT, ASSIGNMENT and BITFIELD test
- indexes; this is the memory index; calculate the geometric mean of
- NUMERIC SORT, IDEA, HUFFMAN and FP EMULATION test indexes; this is
- the integer index.
- ╖ Results: a memory index and an integer index calculated as
- explained above.
- 3.5. Possible improvements
- The ideal benchmark suite would run in a few minutes, with synthetic
- benchmarks testing every subsystem separately and applications
- benchmarks providing results for different applications. It would also
- automatically generate a complete report and eventually email the
- report to a central database on the Web.
- We are not really interested in portability here, but it should at
- least run on all recent (> 2.0.0) versions and flavours (i386, Alpha,
- Sparc...) of Linux.
- If anybody has any idea about benchmarking network performance in a
- simple, easy and reliable way, with a short (less than 30 minutes to
- setup and run) test, please contact me.
- 3.6. LBT Report Form
- Besides the tests, the benchmarking procedure would not be complete
- without a form describing the setup, so here it is (following the
- guidelines from comp.benchmarks.faq):
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ==
- Vendor:
- Model:
- Core clock:
- Motherboard vendor:
- Mbd. model:
- Mbd. chipset:
- Bus type:
- Bus clock:
- Cache total:
- Cache type/speed:
- SMP (number of processors):
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ====
- Total:
- Type:
- Speed:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Disk
- ====
- Vendor:
- Model:
- Size:
- Interface:
- Driver/Settings:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Video board
- ===========
- Vendor:
- Model:
- Bus:
- Video RAM type:
- Video RAM total:
- X server vendor:
- X server version:
- X server chipset choice:
- Resolution/vert. refresh rate:
- Color depth:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Kernel
- =====
- Version:
- Swap size:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________
- gcc
- ===
- Version:
- Options:
- libc version:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Test notes
- ==========
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ========
- Linux kernel 2.0.0 Compilation Time: (minutes and seconds)
- Whetstones: results are in MWIPS.
- Xbench: results are in xstones.
- Unixbench Benchmarks 4.01 system INDEX:
- BYTEmark integer INDEX:
- BYTEmark memory INDEX:
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Comments*
- =========
- * This field is included for possible interpretations of the results, and as
- such, it is optional. It could be the most significant part of your report,
- though, specially if you are doing comparative benchmarking.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 3.7. Network performance tests
- Testing network performance is a challenging task since it involves at
- least two machines, a server and a client machine, hence twice the
- time to setup and many more variables to control, etc... On an
- ethernet network, I guess your best bet would be the ttcp package. (to
- be expanded)
- 3.8. SMP tests
- SMP tests are another challenge, and any benchmark specifically
- designed for SMP testing will have a hard time proving itself valid in
- real-life settings, since algorithms that can take advantage of SMP
- are hard to come by. It seems later versions of the Linux kernel (>
- 2.1.30 or around that) will do "fine-grained" multiprocessing, but I
- have no more information than that for the moment.
- According to David Niemi, " ... shell8 part of the Unixbench 4.01
- benchmaksdoes a good job at comparing similar hardware/OS in SMP and
- UP modes."
- 4. Example run and results
- The LBT was run on my home machine, a Pentium-class Linux box that I
- put together myself and that I used to write this HOWTO. Here is the
- LBT Report Form for this system:
- ==
- Vendor: Cyrix/IBM
- Model: 6x86L P166+
- Core clock: 133 MHz
- Motherboard vendor: Elite Computer Systems (ECS)
- Mbd. model: P5VX-Be
- Mbd. chipset: Intel VX
- Bus type: PCI
- Bus clock: 33 MHz
- Cache total: 256 KB
- Cache type/speed: Pipeline burst 6 ns
- SMP (number of processors): 1
- ====
- Total: 32 MB
- Type: EDO SIMMs
- Speed: 60 ns
- Disk
- ====
- Vendor: IBM
- Model: IBM-DAQA-33240
- Size: 3.2 GB
- Interface: EIDE
- Driver/Settings: Bus Master DMA mode 2
- Video board
- ===========
- Vendor: Generic S3
- Model: Trio64-V2
- Bus: PCI
- Video RAM type: EDO DRAM
- Video RAM total: 2 MB
- X server vendor: XFree86
- X server version: 3.3
- X server chipset choice: S3 accelerated
- Resolution/vert. refresh rate: 1152x864 @ 70 Hz
- Color depth: 16 bits
- Kernel
- =====
- Version: 2.0.29
- Swap size: 64 MB
- gcc
- ===
- Version:
- Options: -O2
- libc version: 5.4.23
- Test notes
- ==========
- Very light load. The above tests were run with some of the special
- Cyrix/IBM 6x86 features enabled with the setx86 program: fast ADS,
- fast IORT, Enable DTE, fast LOOP, fast Lin. VidMem.
- ========
- Linux kernel 2.0.0 Compilation Time: 7m12s
- Whetstones: 38.169 MWIPS.
- Xbench: 97243 xStones.
- BYTE Unix Benchmarks 4.01 system INDEX: 58.43
- BYTEmark integer INDEX: 1.50
- BYTEmark memory INDEX: 2.50
- Comments
- =========
- This is a very stable system with homogeneous performance, ideal
- for home use and/or Linux development. I will report results
- with a 6x86MX processor as soon as I can get my hands on one!
- 5. Pitfalls and caveats of benchmarking
- After putting together this HOWTO I began to understand why the words
- "pitfalls" and "caveats" are so often associated with benchmarking...
- 5.1. Comparing apples and oranges
- Or should I say Apples and PCs ? This is so obvious and such an old
- dispute that I won't go into any details. I doubt the time it takes to
- load Word on a Mac compared to an average Pentium is a real measure of
- anything. Likewise booting Linux and Windows NT, etc... Try as much as
- possible to compare identical machines with a single modification.
- 5.2. Incomplete information
- A single example will illustrate this very common mistake. One often
- reads in comp.os.linux.hardware the following or similar statement: "I
- just plugged in processor XYZ running at nnn MHz and now compiling the
- linux kernel only takes i minutes" (adjust XYZ, nnn and i as
- required). This is irritating, because no other information is given,
- i.e. we don't even know the amount of RAM, size of swap, other tasks
- running simultaneously, kernel version, modules selected, hard disk
- type, gcc version, etc... I recommend you use the LBT Report Form,
- which at least provides a standard information framework.
- 5.3. Proprietary hardware/software
- A well-known processor manufacturer once published results of
- benchmarks produced by a special, customized version of gcc. Ethical
- considerations apart, those results were meaningless, since 100% of
- the Linux community would go on using the standard version of gcc. The
- same goes for proprietary hardware. Benchmarking is much more useful
- when it deals with off-the-shelf hardware and free (in the GNU/GPL
- sense) software.
- 5.4. Relevance
- We are talking Linux, right ? So we should forget about benchmarks
- produced on other operating systems (this is a special case of the
- "Comparing apples and oranges" pitfall above). Also, if one is going
- to benchmark Web server performance, do not quote FPU performance and
- other irrelevant information. In such cases, less is more. Also, you
- do not need to mention the age of your cat, your mood while
- benchmarking, etc..
- 6. FAQ
- Q1.
- Is there any single figure of merit for Linux systems ?
- A: No, thankfully nobody has yet come up with a Lhinuxstone (tm)
- measurement. And if there was one, it would not make much sense:
- Linux systems are used for many different tasks, from heavily
- loaded Web servers to graphics workstations for individual use.
- No single figure of merit can describe the performance of a
- Linux system under such different situations.
- Q2.
- Then, how about a dozen figures summarizing the performance of
- diverse Linux systems ?
- A: That would be the ideal situation. I would like to see that come
- true. Anybody volunteers for a Linux Benchmarking Project ? With
- a Web site and an on-line, complete, well-designed reports
- database ?
- Q3.
- A: BogoMips has nothing to do with the performance of your system.
- Check the BogoMips Mini-HOWTO.
- Q4.
- What is the "best" benchmark for Linux ?
- A: It all depends on which performance aspect of a Linux system one
- wants to measure. There are different benchmarks to measure the
- network (Ethernet sustained transfer rates), file server (NFS),
- disk I/O, FPU, integer, graphics, 3D, processor-memory
- bandwidth, CAD performance, transaction time, SQL performance,
- Web server performance, real-time performance, CD-ROM
- performance, Quake performance (!), etc ... AFAIK no bechmark
- suite exists for Linux that supports all these tests.
- Q5.
- What is the fastest processor under Linux ?
- A: Fastest at what task ? If one is heavily number-crunching
- oriented, a very high clock rate Alpha (600 MHz and going)
- should be faster than anything else, since Alphas have been
- designed for that kind of performance. If, on the other hand,
- one wants to put together a very fast news server, it is
- probable that the choice of a fast hard disk subsystem and lots
- of RAM will result in higher performance improvements than a
- change of processor, for the same amount of $.
- Q6.
- Let me rephrase the last question, then: is there a processor
- that is fastest for general purpose applications ?
- A: This is a tricky question but it takes a very simple answer: NO.
- One can always design a faster system even for general purpose
- applications, independent of the processor. Usually, all other
- things being equal, higher clock rates will result in higher
- performance systems (and more headaches too). Taking out an old
- 100 MHz Pentium from an (usually not) upgradable motherboard,
- and plugging in the 200 MHz version, one should feel the extra
- "hummph". Of course, with only 16 MBytes of RAM, the same
- investment would have been more wisely spent on extra SIMMs...
- Q7.
- So clock rates influence the performance of a system ?
- A: For most tasks except for NOP empty loops (BTW these get removed
- by modern optimizing compilers), an increase in clock rate will
- not give you a linear increase in performance. Very small
- processor intensive programs that will fit entirely in the
- primary cache inside the processor (the L1 cache, usually 8 or
- 16 K) will have a performance increase equivalent to the clock
- rate increase, but most "true" programs are much larger than
- that, have loops that do not fit in the L1 cache, share the L2
- (external) cache with other processes, depend on external
- components and will give much smaller performance increases.
- This is because the L1 cache runs at the same clock rate as the
- processor, whereas most L2 caches and all other subsystems
- (DRAM, for example) will run asynchronously at lower clock
- rates.
- Q8.
- OK, then, one last question on that matter: which is the
- processor with the best price/performance ratio for general
- purpose Linux use ?
- A: Defining "general purpose Linux use" in not an easy thing ! For
- any particular application, there is always a processor with THE
- BEST price/performance ratio at any given time, but it changes
- rather frequently as manufacturers release new processors, so
- answering Processor XYZ running at n MHz would be a snapshot
- answer. However, the price of the processor is insignificant
- when compared to the price of the whole system one will be
- putting together. So, really, the question should be how can one
- maximize the price/performance ratio for a given system ? And
- the answer to that question depends heavily on the minimum
- performance requirements and/or maximum cost established for the
- configuration being considered. Sometimes, off-the-shelf
- hardware will not meet minimum performance requirements and
- expensive RISC systems will be the only alternative. For home
- use, I recommend a balanced, homogeneous system for overall
- performance (now go figure what I mean by balanced and
- homogeneous :-); the choice of a processor is an important
- decision , but no more than choosing hard disk type and
- capacity, amount of RAM, video card, etc...
- Q9.
- What is a "significant" increase in performance ?
- A: I would say that anything under 1% is not significant (could be
- described as "marginal"). We, humans, will hardly perceive the
- difference between two systems with a 5 % difference in response
- time. Of course some hard-core benchmarkers are not humans and
- will tell you that, when comparing systems with 65.9 and 66.5
- performance indexes, the later is "definitely faster".
- Q10.
- How do I obtain "significant" increases in performance at the
- lowest cost ?
- A: Since most source code is available for Linux, careful
- examination and algorithmic redesign of key subroutines could
- yield order-of-magnitude increases in performance in some cases.
- If one is dealing with a commercial project and does not wish to
- delve deeply in C source code a Linux consultant should be
- called in. See the Consultants-HOWTO.
- 7. Copyright, acknowledgments and miscellaneous
- 7.1. How this document was produced
- The first step was reading section 4 "Writing and submitting a HOWTO"
- of the HOWTO Index by Greg Hankins.
- I knew absolutely nothing about SGML or LaTeX, but was tempted to use
- an automated documentation generation package after reading the
- various comments about SGML-Tools. However, inserting tags manually in
- a document reminds me of the days I hand-assembled a 512 byte monitor
- program for a now defunct 8-bit microprocessor, so I got hold of the
- LyX sources, compiled it, and used its LinuxDoc mode. Highly
- recommended combination: LyX and SGML-Tools.
- 7.2. Copyright
- The Linux Benchmarking HOWTO is copyright (C) 1997 by AndrΘ D. Balsa.
- Linux HOWTO documents may be reproduced and distributed in whole or in
- part, in any medium physical or electronic, as long as this copyright
- notice is retained on all copies. Commercial redistribution is allowed
- and encouraged; however, the author would like to be notified of any
- such distributions.
- All translations, derivative works, or aggregate works incorporating
- any Linux HOWTO documents must be covered under this copyright notice.
- That is, you may not produce a derivative work from a HOWTO and impose
- additional restrictions on its distribution. Exceptions to these rules
- may be granted under certain conditions; please contact the Linux
- HOWTO coordinator at the address given below.
- In short, we wish to promote dissemination of this information through
- as many channels as possible. However, we do wish to retain copyright
- on the HOWTO documents, and would like to be notified of any plans to
- redistribute the HOWTOs.
- If you have questions, please contact Greg Hankins, the Linux HOWTO
- coordinator, at gregh@sunsite.unc.edu via email, or at +1 404 853
- 9989.
- 7.3. New versions of this document
- New versions of the Linux Benchmarking-HOWTO will be placed on
- sunsite.unc.edu and mirror sites. There are other formats, such as a
- Postscript and dvi version in the other-formats directory. The Linux
- Benchmarking-HOWTO is also available for WWW clients such as Grail, a
- Web browser written in Python. It will also be posted regularly to
- comp.os.linux.answers.
- 7.4. Feedback
- Suggestions, corrections, additions wanted. Contributors wanted and
- acknowledged. Flames not wanted.
- I can always be reached at andrewbalsa@usa.net.
- 7.5. Acknowledgments
- David Niemi, the author of the Unixbench suite, has proved to be an
- endless source of information and (valid) criticism.
- I also want to thank Greg Hankins, the Linux HOWTO coordinator and one
- of the main contributors to the SGML-tools package, Linus Torvalds and
- the entire Linux community. This HOWTO is my way of giving back.
- 7.6. Disclaimer
- Your mileage may, and will, vary. Be aware that benchmarking is a
- touchy subject and a great time-and-energy consuming activity.
- 7.7. Trademarks
- Pentium and Windows NT are trademarks of Intel and Microsoft
- Corporations respectively.
- BYTE and BYTEmark are trademarks of McGraw-Hill, Inc.
- Cyrix and 6x86 are trademarks of Cyrix Corporation.
- Linux is not a trademark, hopefully never will be.